Sweden representative together with the alliance members visited NDC Minister Kung to share Sweden netzero experience and green collaboration

The Swedish Trade & Invest Council together with the “Sweden+Taiwan Green Transition Alliance” members Baseload Power Taiwan, Ericsson Taiwan, Volvo Group Taiwan and Altas Copco Taiwan visited the Minister Kung of National Development Council on May 6th to share Sweden’s netzero initiatives and experience and to discuss how Taiwan and Sweden can work together for the common net zero goal.

Minister Kung was impressed by the fact that Sweden was among the first countries in the world to implement carbon tax and Sweden today has the highest carbon tax in the world. Minister Kung also raised several questions about how Swedish government work with the industry to implement carbon tax policies, Swedish experience of policy formulation and implementation that take the environment impact, economic and industry development and social justice at the same time.

The alliance members also exchange opinion on the topics of geothermal power, EV and digitalization development in Taiwan with Minister Kung. We look forward to more experience sharing and collaboration between Sweden and Taiwan on the relevant topics in the future.